More than Hope - The only thing that changes is EVERYTHING.

  720-707-6914   10450 Park Meadows Drive, Suite 100, Lone Tree, Colorado 80124

About TMS

Elevate Your Mental Health with Non-Invasive TMS Therapy


Conditions Treated with TMS Therapy

TMS therapy treats a multitude of mental health conditions. It is indicated for multiple conditions, and more research is published every day. There are specific areas of the brain involved in mood regulation, and stimulating these areas can improve the brain’s ability to regulate mood.

Antidepressants have worked to treat depression for many people since the 1980s, but they don’t work for everyone. TMS therapy isn’t an antidepressant medication. Instead, it works faster and with fewer side effects by using gentle magnetic pulses. These magnetic pulses have also proven to balance other key areas of the brain which help relieve symptoms from other mental health disorders including those listed below:


When treating patients with depression, TMS pulses are directed towards specific areas of the brain which have been associated with depressive symptoms. TMS has been shown to change the neuron activity in the prefrontal cortex. In patients with depression, the prefrontal cortex is commonly dormant. With TMS, magnetic pulses activate this area of the brain. Approximately 70% of Rose NeuroSpa TMS therapy patients experience symptom remission.



Even though it was originally used to treat depression, TMS has been investigated and shown to be effective in treating anxiety. Anxiety negatively impacts certain regions of the brain in which it causes abnormal levels of activity. The magnetic pulses used in TMS target these overactive areas to reduce the symptoms of anxiety.



Although medications and behavioral therapies are treatment options for OCD, over 40% of patients still experience OCD symptoms after undergoing these conventional treatments. TMS is indicated and FDA-cleared for the treatment of OCD. When treating patients with OCD, TMS pulses are directed towards specific areas of the brain which have been associated with OCD symptoms.


Peak Performance

Peak performance treatment uses express TMS to improve mood, increase concentration and boost cognitive performance.  Peak performance treatment is ideal for those with mild depression, mild anxiety, or those who are not interested in trying in psychotropic medications.


Peripartum Depression

Perinatal depression, defined as depression during pregnancy, around childbirth or within the first year after delivering a baby, is common and many mothers are hesitant about taking antidepressants. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an FDA-approved non-drug, non-invasive and safe intervention for perinatal depression.



Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a safe and effective treatment that delivers magnetic pulses to the occipital cortex of the brain. These pulses reduce overactive brain activity that has been associated with migraines. At Rose NeuroSpa, our patients with migraines have experienced the efficacy of TMS therapy.


Addiction Relapse Recovery

In 2018, researchers demonstrated TMS significantly reduced the brain’s reactivity to drug cues in chronic alcohol users as well as chronic cocaine users (Kearney-Ramos 2018). In this study, addicts viewed drug cues, like liquor bottles, and their reactions to the cues were studied using fMRI. Both alcohol users and cocaine users showed significantly reduced drug reactivity following TMS treatment.


Trauma and PTSD


According to new research published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, when TMS therapy is used for war veterans with PTSD, they find relief, with 70% of the individuals no longer experiencing major PTSD symptoms.


A study published in 2018 found that TMS was effective in improving symptoms in study participants who had MDD and co-occurring PTSD.  

Memory Loss

Recent research suggests that TMS can also aid in memory loss. Memory loss affects many people as they age, and TMS may be an effective treatment option to prevent memory loss from worsening. Neuro Wellness Spa is a leading provider of TMS treatment for memory loss.


Bipolar Disorders

TMS therapy can be used off-label in the treatment of bipolar disorder and research has shown that it is effective in reducing the depressive symptoms of bipolar disorder. 


Smoking Cessation

In 2017, researchers demonstrated how TMS can help people quit smoking. In this study, TMS treatment significantly reduced the risk of relapse, increased abstinence rate, and increased uptake of the self-help intervention.



In a 2013 study, TMS was shown to increase total average sleep time by 25% and was the best at improving REM (rapid eye movement).  The study also showed that TMS maintains sleep improvements better than medication and psychotherapy, with no side effects.

Physical Therapy for the Brain

How Does TMS Work and What to Expect

TMS therapy at Rose NeuroSpa is akin to physical therapy for the brain, involving 5 treatments per week for 6-9 weeks. We start with a thorough, no-cost consultation where our team assesses your history and coordinates with your insurance. A psychiatrist will then determine the optimal treatment parameters during your first appointment, customizing the magnetic pulses to your unique anatomy. Each 20-minute session is conducted in a relaxed setting, allowing you to engage in activities like reading or listening to music. After treatment, our care continues with regular check-ins to ensure your ongoing mental health needs are met, including the option for additional therapy sessions if needed.


First, our Executive Director and in-take manager will review your history and explain aspects of TMS treatment as well as coordinate with your health insurance provider to determine benefits. Then, you will meet one-on-one with a psychiatrist to understand if TMS therapy is right for you.

First Appointment

Unlike medication, TMS is highly-personalized to your unique anatomy. During your first appointment, a psychiatrist will identify the correct magnet strength and coil position for you by finding your motor threshold.

This motor threshold test identifies the precise location and the magnetic field strength that will be used during your treatment, which is customized to deliver the correct treatment dose.


Each TMS treatment session lasts about 20 minutes. During TMS treatment, patients recline and relax in a private treatment room and remain awake and alert while the TMS therapy device delivers magnetic pulses to the specific areas of the brain known to regulate mood. During treatment, patients can read, listen to music, watch TV or even meditate. 

Patients report that the gentle pulses feel like taps on the scalp. Most of our patients say that the TMS sensation takes some getting used to, but isn’t painful. If at any time you require a break or feel pain, your TMS technician can pause your treatment to make sure you are comfortable.

Ongoing Care

Once you’ve finished TMS treatment with Rose NeuroSpa, we stay in touch. Every three months, our care team will encourage you to check in with us regarding you and your mental health. If you need follow up care or even another round of TMS therapy, we’re here to help.

Is TMS Covered by Insurance?

Understanding Your Coverage Options

TMS is covered by Medicare and all Commerical payers for major depressive disorder.  If MDD is present and authorized, we can treat other co-occurring conditions. 

Once we receive your insurance information we will obtain a verification of your benefits.  Most insurance companies require a prior authorization before treatment.  After you have been approved for treatment by one of our providers, we will start the prior authorization process which can take up 10 business days to receive. 

Experience Transformative Effects on Mental Health

Learn more about TMS Therapy or schedule a no-cost consultation with our team. Take the first step towards transforming your mental health today.

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